analysing and visualising of
first-order NMR coupling patterns
copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Holger Schimanski,,, distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
java 1.1.8 runtime environment and java swing package required (see download instructions)
download instructions
current version is jVisualizer v2.5.1 Java;
see below for more details
MacOS X 10.1.3
- after downloading just doubleclick "jVisualizer.jar" to start jVisualizer
MacOS 9
- for MacOS 9 you need three things; first of all
this file
together in the same folder with
this double-clickable application launcher for jVisualizer;
additionally you have to download and install the java swing package
placing "swingall.jar" into "Systemfolder:Extentions:MRJ Libraries:MRJClasses"
- after downloading just doubleclick "jVisualizer.jar" to start jVisualizer;
additionally you have to download and install the java 2 runtime environment before
Linux, Solaris
- after downloading use "java -jar jVisualizer.jar"
from the command line to start jVisualizer; additionally you have to download and install the
java 2 runtime environment before
If you need additionaly help don't hesitate to contact me.
For those of you who are interested in the sourcecode,
please download here. You can modify it and/or redistribute
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation. If you want to use
ProjectBuilder on MacOS X as your development environment please
download here (doubleclick "jVisualizer.pbproj").
Everybody is invited to help making jVisualizer a more and more usefull tool. Please contact me
for new ideas on how to improve jVisualizer.
screenshots MacOS X, MacOS 9, Windows, Linux
MacOS 9
version history
- 2002-05-12; small changes addressed to layout problems in the main window on MacOS X
- 2002-04-06; complete rebuild to make it easier for other developers to modify or add code.
More details about jVisualizer can be found at